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When Will

My Children stop having a Love affair with the world and start having the relationship of love with me  says the Lord 

Wake  Up









I do not know why this was given to me to share,

however, my feet got stomped on 1st. If you left the

church because somebody said or did something, your

not the person that should be followed. Its the person who prays through the battle and stays.

Flag Burning

I am old but when I remember the time I was in the Military and the hell I went thru while serving my country. Burning the flag makes my blood boil. It's a disrespectful as someone going into a 4-star restaurant and ordering up their most expensive and best dish and then when it's brought to them they slam it in the floor, spit on it and walk out without paying for it. Those that burn the flag and get governmental help in any kind should lose all that is given to them if they are found burning the flag. Burning the flag is not free speech, It is hate speech. If they can do that to our National symbol and have no consequences then saying that those whose lifestyle is contrary to the word of God and call it sin should also have no consequences and that is my freedom of speech. but just as soon as you demonstrate and make that a point you become as Hilliary said to the LGTB "You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic -- you name it". She missed one group of people The Judeo- Christians. or religious right in which I proudly wave the banner of Christ.

Unless we don't wake up this will happen

You can take


to the

B A N K 

Wake up America. Something for nothing isn't the way to get ahead in life. You will starve before you have enough to last the night. You will have more hunger than having a little.  But God can change that. We will need to do some powerful praying to keep this wave of give me give me from taking over. My day of going home are growing closer than before. I will stand with you till I die. I hope that what I am trying to warn everyone about will not be in vain. For the Lord places this on my heart to do all I can.

Wind Up Loseing what?

I was looking on google images and saw a  picture that said Thank You Planned Parent Hood. It hit me that Thanking Planned Parent Hood is like thanking a blown steering tire for the car turning over multi times (or doing flips) or even a Train hitting you as these pictures show what happens when car & train meet.  I am against abortion,     BUT AMERICA, God calls it murder and when you go against God you wind losing BIG TIME. 

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It makes no difference either its a Person, Car, Bus, or Big Rig, when a train is involved hitting anything, the train will come out ahead and the object it will lose. Same thing with God


 When you cross paths and try to beat God as one might ignore what is in the Word of God, You will stand and give an account for every word, deed, action, attitude. As with an object being hit, You will not like the outcome.

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