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I read a post on facebook sometime ago that said “Where are all my friends, seems like they all have left me. I feel all alone”.
It reminded me of a church in South Dakota I belonged to when I was in the Air Force. The Pastor left to go to another church and the church split because they didn’t like the new pastor. Some didn’t like the style of delivery of his message. The message was to Evangelistic. In the business meeting, one of the members realized how silly it was, got up and said that He had begun thinking why he had wonder why he felt that God had put distance away from him and while the meeting continue God spoke to his heart to let him know that because he had joined the group that wanted to discharge the pastor from the church and because of his attitude that he had displayed was the reason why he felt that the Lord had moved away from him. Of course, he asked the pastor to forgive him and the pastor did.
You see attitude can be used in a positive way like I’m going to win the battle of this sickness. Attitude can carry you to unbelievable victories that you would have given up a long time ago on your own ability. In scripture, Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (KJV)
Attitudes in the negative can cause much sorry & pain, causing a person to think they are all right when they are not. Sin comes in many different forms. Attitude or rebellions are some of the most destructive tools the devil has and in a church will just destroy the work God has.
Look at our nation. You see it on almost every topic and discussion.
I had to adjust my attitude this morning about someone who I love in the Lord, however, on more than one occasion, I have been so irritated. No, it was not my wife. Ha Ha.
As one Statesman so eloquently said, Check your attitude.
We all started out being a miracle, to grow up being amazing. The - between born and death says nothing how your life was lived. Only the testimonies of what you did rides on the small line of a - . Your life was started by 2 people in a designed way that God uses to populate the world. Some people who have been given the ability to live and then be educated to help or take away life which denies life from being born. Some will destroy life with drugs, murder, corruption, hate, and many more acts of not allowing others to be all that one can be. Yes, life on that dash line has many negative efforts to keep you from doing all that you could be depending on choice from others or your self. With all that can happen in a short time or a long lifetime of living, it's a sad fact that many don't do a whole lot to make life all that one can be. But others do stand and make the difference and make a mark for the living. don't sell your self and don't sell out others that will make this earth a better place
What will it take?
It's not that the Democrats are trying to destroy America but their policies are not the best for our Nation. They have been sold an agenda or policies that they believe is what is good for America, and have full confidence that the policies they would like to enact as the laws that are the best in their view. Now that statement can be labeled as a politically correct statement.
A statement from a Religious Zealots or a non-politically correct statement might be "The truth is, that the ideas that they think are best, are lies straight out of Hell to destroy our Nation". (On a personal note I tune out anything else they say when the comments start out with. "The fact of the matter is" or "The truth is..." For those who spew out these kinds of statement are one-sided and disregard other facts that are not in agreement to the information or facts being talked about)
Don't think that the Republicans have the handle on righteous and perfect living and what is best for America either. They are just as at fault as anybody. The Democrats, Republicans, Independent, Tea Party, Right wing, Left wing, Conservative, libertarian and any other kind of political viewpoint do not have the perfect agenda. Most of the religious group can't even stomach that someone outside their faith can rightly stand up and say that they have the mind of Christ without trying to tear down the character of the person faith of someone else. No one can climb to the top of the mountain to plant the flag "I have the political, social and religious way to make America great" without stepping on others and being accused of unholiness, a demagoguery, a self-righteousness individual. All this that we hear, read, watch and talk about in the nation can be brought down to one point. We have been overcome with an enemy that we as a complete nation refuse to admit has divided us. As Abraham Lincoln said: "A house divided against its self cannot stand". In the Bible is also known as separating the kingdom. Unity is a strong unbendable, unbreakable unit but always need to guard against the smallest division to weaken the unity. How can the body of Christ in as many church fellowship and denominations that are in this nation be together when they tear someone down? How can the politically elected people agree when they themselves will disagree, sell out to an interest that will cause them to be more in power than what the country is in need of?
For the body of Christ, when will you stop having a love affair with the world and start loving God for who He is. For our Country, when will we stop being so one side, self-absorb or self-centered, arrogant or opinionated about who we are. Stop thinking of yourself as me, myself and I for a change and what harm you are doing to the country you live in. Start seeing the bigger picture and what is best for the nation even if It's not what you want. Just who you are and look at what the nation could be? The estimated population of American is 326,676,718. If you were to ask 50% of them (163,338,359) what will it take to be as the preamble to the Constitution, "to form a more perfect Union" among the States, to ensure peace at home, and to provide for defense against foreign enemies? 80% of them will have an idea or an opinion that at best if implemented would not work. America needs a Joseph to tell the nation as he did Pharoah. (Genesis 41 31 People won’t remember that there once was plenty of food in the land because the coming famine will be so severe. 32. The reason Pharaoh has had a recurring dream is because the matter has been definitely decided by God, and he will do it very soon.
Joseph Advises Pharaoh
33 “Pharaoh should look for a wise and intelligent man and put him in charge of Egypt). That's what we call every 4 years a Presidential Election. I would like to see what would happen in the Senate as what happened when the Continental Congress did when they got to a point of heated debate. Benjamin Franklin called on every man to pray for God to intervene. What would happen if a Senator called Chuck Schumer or Mitch McConnell to meet them down at the front for prayer? What would happen if a House of Representative asked Nancy Pelosi or Paul Ryan to go and meet them at the front to pray about what needs to be done? What does America need to do to cause unity among the population? I believe its Prayer. All America needs to be doing that. From the Church House to the White House, from each State Capital House to every house in America. My friends should we not do this then the results will not be good. The answer my friends is that it will cost more than anyone is willing to pay. You will sell out or give away the nation over to just anyone who will plant the flag and say I now am ruler over you. obey me.