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A G g / P I

Ain't God Good

Political incorrectness

Page 1

Each day there will be a new set of pictures put on this page. Come visit it daily to see what is new.
Please share with your Face book Friends and contacts and please  give comment on what you think about it or about the website. I will be posting comments on the page "What people say. Your prayers are appreciated for this work and Pray for America. Anyone who would like to help with a $1.00 or more will go toward upgrading the site and other needed project that are on the drawing board. There is a box at bottom of each page that will link you to the PayPal account.
Thank you again,
a servant,


1st  Pictures 


2nd  Pictures 

3rd  Pictures 

Genesis Chapter 1: 3 & 4
 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.

Aint God Good

4th Pictures 

5 th Pictures 

Talk to the hand 

6 th Pictures 

7 th Pictures 


8 th Pictures 


9 th Pictures 



10 th Pictures 



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